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A Clarification

 I've recently received a significant amount of letters from readers - to which I've responded only intermittently.   I appreciate every word that is written, and the time that it took for all of you to sit down and ask the questions you've submitted.  Rather than respond individually, I thought I would make at least one significant clarifying statement here that would let everyone know what's going on: I'm absent because I choose to be.  It's really that simple.  I don't write when I don't have anything to say.   Yes, I plan on posting the second isntallment of the series I mentioned here.   I also plan on future posts.  But unlike a lot of other writers on the interwebs, I don't plan anything I write.  It either flows or it doesn't.   I don't create a content calendar, or look at themes, or search for relevant topics to write about.  Because my writing I can give away for free and still have plenty of it left. My time, however, is another m

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