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Near-Immortal Biomechanics and the Search for Eternal Life

The entire point of these essays is to begin a thesis to change the way we look at the processes behind biomechanical death.   But there are movements that intend to change more than just the way we look at it; they are trying to erase biomechanical death processes altogether.   Enter Aubrey de Grey .  Dr. De Grey is described as biomedical gerontologist, and has devoted a significant portion of his career to studying cellular senescence and aging .  Namely, he believes ( and has even proclaimed ) that it will be possible to put an end to cell senescence entirely, so that one day humans no longer die from age-related causes.  A bold claim, to be certain.  Obviously, this hints at some type of premature immortality; it suggests that we may be able to avoid certain types of death.  If you juxtapose this work with the recognition given to current immortalized cell lines , then you can understand how these sciences might conjoin to promote some type of immortality in human beings somewhere

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