Some Links About Death and Mortality

Not a lot of depth for this post, basically just sharing some interesting concepts from cyberspace that are relevant.   

First, as previously mentioned in other posts, an article about psilocybin and its link to the reduction of the fear of dying, and also another piecce on confronting the fear of death using psychadelics

Another article - which I'm not sure I agree with but whose point I can consider - that indicates that the fear of dying may cause more extremist thinking, especially as it relates to ring-wing conservatism.   I believe the article perpetuates other-think, and I'm inclined to dismiss it since I am trying to bridge gaps and not further delineate them, but I can understand how the conclusions might seem sound.   I do believe the fear of biomechanical death drives a large portion of our thought, even when we don't realize it.  So certainly it's plausible to say it bleeds into our political views as well.    And a similiar one that states that indicates that the fear of death may be linked to the "other-think" or "othering" I just mentioned.  While I still beleive this article oversimplifies phenomena that are rooted in culture and idealology, certainly our fears are - at their most elemental forms - also rooted in these concepts, and I can certainly agree that the fear of death and dying often do us a great disservice. 

And lastly an older article by Spiegel with Michio Kaku - one wherein he makes some far-reaching predictions about what out future looks like in the year 2100 - that indicates that living eternally doesn't necessarily violate the laws of physics. I believe this is true if we take Dr. Hoffman's approach in that we hold as the basic axiom of life that consciousness if fundamental instead of matter/biology. 

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